How to Make Your Move Stress-Free and Efficient

Moving day always involves some bumps in the road, so it is best to plan early to ensure everything works out perfectly. How well you plan your move significantly impacts how smoothly it goes. Here are some incredibly meticulous tips for making your move stress-free and efficient.

Schedule and create a checklist

Plan things out, make a to-do list, and try your best to stick to the schedule. Make sure you evaluate each component of what makes your relocation unique and give yourself adequate time to perform moving responsibilities. Creating a moving budget should be an additional component of your plan. 

Use the crucial tasks on your to-do list to pinpoint cost centers. This will assist you in deciding whether you can afford to hire movers or handle the move yourself, as well as whether you can buy new supplies or need to locate secondhand boxes. Rodi Moving & Storage company can make all the difference when moving and free up your time to handle other concerns. 

Declutter and downsize

Before packing, try to donate and declutter as much as you can to save yourself the trouble of having to move unwanted stuff. Measure the larger furniture pieces you have before moving day to make sure everything will fit in the new home’s layout. Donate additional items right away if there isn’t enough space for them at the destination to clear off your space.

Pack everyday

Aim to pack for at least an hour every day the month before your move to ensure everything is ready for the big day. Packing bit by bit rather than waiting until the very last minute will significantly reduce your burden. The last thing you want is to overburden yourself with a stressful move by procrastinating.

Pack boxes appropriately

First of all, make sure the boxes you are using are the appropriate size. You should utilize small boxes for heavier items like books and medium-sized boxes for clothing and shoes. Save the large boxes for blankets and pillows. 

Put heavy goods on the bottom of your boxes and lighter objects on top to safeguard your belongings. Be sure to use lots of packing paper or cushioning material when boxing up. Finally, ensure there is no empty space left at the top to prevent the box from crushing during transportation.

Pack an overnight bag 

Make sure every family member has an overnight bag packed before moving in. This should include toiletries and a change of clothes. Additional necessities include mobile phone chargers, medication, and even a favorite book or hobby.

Find a ramp-equipped moving truck

If you are moving alone and without the help of a removal company, a few strategies to make moving more manageable. Hiring a ramp-equipped moving truck can save time and simplify loading and unloading. A moving truck that best suits the size of your home can move everything at once. This will save you the trouble of loading your items and furniture into many pickup trucks.

Concluding thoughts

Professional movers are expensive, but they can save you a lot of hassle and stress during a move. They physically handle packing, assembling, and disassembling furniture, as well as box loading and unloading. 

